Fatty as he eats, crushes and bounds his way over countless hills and through countless obstacles.
Be careful to avoid nasty healthy food, poison clouds and diet pill-wielding gym losers who want nothing more than to stop Fatty's weight-gain.
But Fatty cannot be stopped.
* Appealing characters and an original, amusing concept
* Intuitive and addictive gameplay built specifically for touch-screen devices
* Randomly and dynamically generated terrain
* 3 different gameplay modes
* Missions and achievements to ensure a constant challenge
* 28 Achievements for completionists, and Leaderboards for competitive players.
* Original Music and Sound Effects from award-winning composers
Required Android O/S : 1.6+
Install APK and PLAY
Andro Rat 10 Jul, 2013
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroRat/~3/fY9xf9b4BMc/fatty-v105-apk.html
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